The task of managing credit card payments proves challenging because multiple due dates exist. Both your credit score will suffer from late payment along with substantial late fees. Enabling auto-pay provides a simple solution that ensures your payments reach on time thus delivering comfort alongside automated payment functions. This article explains credit card payment automation for decision-making by demonstrating the process while highlighting benefits along with potential drawbacks.
What is credit card auto payment?
The auto-pay system for credit cards lets your connected bank account execute monthly debits for your charges. After enabling auto-pay the system extracts payments on the set due date to the configured drawing amount such as the full payment total or the minimum required or a designated amount.
In conclusion, to simplify monthly payments and avoid fees and protect your credit score you should establish auto-payment for your credit card. Monitor your account balance regularly because it prevents both overdraft fees and lets you detect any billing issues.
(Note: Using a credit card carries its own set of risks)